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当前位置: 首页 » 公司 » 广州市美凤陶瓷有限公司
美凤陶瓷背靠广东潮州,是一家专业生产日用礼品陶瓷的企业,产品远销美国、欧洲、俄罗斯及亚洲等地区。 美凤陶瓷坚持以高质量、高标准为产品定位,严格执行国家陶瓷行业标准,进行生产、检测。产品釉面强度、抗腐蚀性、耐高温性、热稳定性、铅量溶出量参数经有关部门检测,均达标准。 我们主营的产品包括各式各样的广告杯、礼品杯、变色杯、音乐杯、中国式茶杯,马克杯、咖啡杯碟、情侣杯、影像杯、其它热转印涂层杯产品、烟灰缸等。我们的产品有高温高白,中温白瓷及色釉等各种质地的器型可供选择。 陶瓷杯是日常生活用品,无论居家或是办公,它都有非常高的使用频率,故如在陶瓷杯上加印企业LOGO或产品讯息,则可广泛用于会议赠品,商务赠品,广告礼品,节日赠品,和促销礼品及庆典纪念品等,既精美体面,又有意义,是非常有效的广告,非常适合企业形象推广和企业产品宣传。 请来图来样和来电咨询业务,竭诚欢迎海内外客商莅临参观指导,共画美好蓝图! MUGFUN ceramics located in Chaozhou,Guangdong province, which is a professional manufacturer of making daily ceramics. The products are many sold to USA, Europe, Russia and Asia, etc. MUGFUN ceramics sticks to hi-quality, hi-standard as our aims. We produce our goods strictly apply with our national ceramic standards. We have passed the testing of enamel intensity, corrosiveness-resisted, high temperature-resistant, thermal consistent and lead in and out. We mainly produce all kinds of ads mugs, gift mugs, color changing mugs, music mugs, tea mugs, coffee mug, valentine’s mug, ashtrays, Mug Backing machine, Plate Backing machine, Flat Backing machice,sublimation mugs and other sublimation series. The raw material includes porcelain, stoneware and ceramics with different enamels. Ceramic mugs can be used almost everywhere, not only in home but in the office. They can be widely used in meeting presents, business presents, ads gifts, holiday presents, promotional gifts and celebration souvenir after imprinted the logo on them. That’ll be very popular in the company’s image and products promotion.? You are very welcome all the business partners from domestic or foreign countries to contact us by using samples or telephone call. Hopefully, we can make our future brighter all together.

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